MEDIAPLATFORM at the kunsthaus-graz is dedicated to research, production, exhibition, communication and promotion of artFORMs, based on information- and MEDIAtechnologies.
MEDIAPLATFORM is supposed to be meant as a testbed for theories and practices of the potentials of the medIaTechnologies, it is therefore an open environment for artists, researches, students, scholars as well as the general public to create a critical awareness and social responsibility while, moving forward to an information based society.
according to the technological issue as well as the social responsibility MEDIAPLATFORM is dedicated to interdisciplinarity, to bridge the gap between technology and humanity, between art and science, between professionals and general public.
MEDIAPLATFORM is a FORuM to meet science, art, politics and economics on the local as well as on the internetted scene to experiment communication and to test cooperation, to create a truely information based culture.
richard kriesche